So I DID write a blog post yesterday…

Granted, it wasn’t great literature, but it was a post, and it was written before midnight, and it would have kept me on track for only being one post behind on Blogtober.

And then it vanished.

I keep little snippets of code I use regularly in a separate document, so I can just copy/paste them as needed. One of them goes at the end of every blog post. So when I completed yesterday’s post, I moused over to the document, copied the snippet, and went to click back over to my WordPress dashboard to paste it.

Then a weird thing happened that I am still trying to figure out.

I clicked on what should have been my dashboard, suddenly an external link opened, I found myself looking at this:

and said to myself “well THAT’S odd” and clicked the back arrow to return to my WP dashboard.

And I did indeed return to my dashboard. But instead of seeing a complete but for one small snippet of code at the end blog post, I was staring at a screen with the title of a post and nothing else.

Autosave had not saved autoly. There was no revision history. My work was just gone.

I’ve had quite a lot to complain about with shit WP has been doing recently. That is another post for another time and it will be a loud one.

If I can get it published with it vanishing, that is.

return to The Blog

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