Harlean Carpenter is a poet, model, self-portraitist, general smartass, and specific caller of bullshit on ageism.
When not occupied with all of that, she is an avid home cook & baker, sometime blogger, voracious consumer of cosy mysteries, and spoiler of two senior rescue dogs; a Min Pin named Lady Byng, and a Lancashire Heeler named Gilfoyle.
Her poetry ventures began in 1977, when she wrote and embroidered onto a pillow a truly awful sestet for a Father’s Day gift. She likes to think her work, both literary and as a seamstress, has improved since.

many Hallmark
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On the modeling side of things, she began posing for figure studies and artistic nudes in 1988, and has worked on and off as a model and photographer’s assistant ever since, modeling becoming more of a full-time habit when she started PoeticPinup.com in 2007.

Her exploration into self-portraiture began in 2019 and she still has very little idea what is going on.

She is addicted to online word games, owns far too many hats, never met a Merlot she didn’t drink, and is not at all comfortable writing about herself in the third person.