
  • Adventures in Lockdown: That Time the Washer Caught Fire

    There have been times during our shelter-in-place adventure when I’ve been really good about staying on top of laundry and housework. Most of early May was not any of those times.

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    I was here and read this!

  • How To Not Totally F*ck Up Selling Appliances

    Once upon a time almost six years ago, The Guy & I bought a house. Since moving from our old apartment meant moving away from our old apartment’s laundry facilities unless I wanted to drive all the way across town and pretend I still lived there just so I could continue to enjoy the privilege of paying $4 to wash and dry a load of laundry, buying a house also meant buying a washer & dryer. Our new house also had a garage, which meant I could realize one of my fondest adult lifetime ambitions of obtaining a standalone freezer and saving crapstacks of money buying in bulk and stocking up when things went on sale.

    Because this girl knows how to dream big.

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