The Large-Breasted Geek Phenomenon: Some Theories

I have a dear friend who is, hands down, the most dedicated geek I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  She loves Star Wars, Doctor Who, Comic-Con, WoW, you name it, she’s into it to a degree I find not only endearing but fascinating in its dedication.

She also has really large breasts.  And apparently, there are women who believe these things cannot exist simultaneously in a single being, so they insist either the breasts are fake or the geekery must be.

I know for a fact both of these things are genuine in this particular woman, and I also know there are others like her in the world.  Which begs the question, where does the large-breasted geek come from?  How is she formed, in what environment does she thrive?  After careful thought, I have come up with three possible theories to explain her.


Many naturally large-breasted women get really fucking tired of constantly being hit on, leered at, and otherwise made to feel like they are nothing but a great pair of tits that happens to have a voice and brain attached.  At a young age, a lot of them discover the easiest way to avoid this treatment is gravitating toward the guys who are too shy, awkward, and/or insecure to behave in this manner; the geeks.  By inhabiting a social circle predominantly geek-like in its interests, these interests are absorbed.


Many brothers of naturally large-breasted women get really fucking tired of seeing their sisters constantly being hit on, leered at, and otherwise made to feel like they are nothing but a great pair of tits that happens to have a voice and brain attached.  To combat this, they may choose to be a larger and more dominant presence in their sisters’ lives than they might be otherwise.  Consequently, the sisters will be exposed to many more interests that are considered traditionally “male”, such as sports and geekery, and develop a fondness for those interests as a result of not only constant exposure but the sense of family bonding associated with sharing them.


Brain development and breast development occur completely independently, and these two things actually don’t have a damn thing to do with one another.  Get over it, and if you want bigger boobs, go buy some.
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