Le Tigre

This set was kind of exciting for me, since it’s the first one I’ve EVER shot with my hair completely natural. The tendency to early graying runs in my family and, as a result, I started dyeing my hair when I was 14, 4 years before I started modeling. I stopped dyeing it a little over a year ago, just after my 46th birthday, and on April 25th, 2017, I had all of the dyed parts cut off. This set was shot 5 days later. The parts that look blonde are not blonde, they are white, and I couldn’t be happier. White hair at 14 made me very self-conscious and insecure during a time when most of us are already self-conscious and insecure anyway. White hair at 47, I’ve earned.

Photography by Jerry Seeger


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  1. As someone that turned 50 a couple of months ago, I completely agree with your belief that white/grey hair in one’s late 40’s is definitely earned. Equally, you look incredible for someone of that age. If I didn’t know, I would never have said you were 40+. At a push, I would have thought you were in your 30’s. Well done you!

    • It’s a redhead thing. When pretty much everyone you encounter from the time you’re old enough to walk tells you STAY OUT OF THE SUN, the cumulative effect of taking their advice is pretty positive 😛


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