Despite learning mid-year that my husband has cancer, I somehow managed to complete my goal of doing a self portrait every Sunday in 2023.
I honestly have no idea if I’ll be able to repeat that in 2024. But there were days in 2023 that it helped a lot, that goal-oriented creativity, and now that Art of Self Portraiture is once again posting weekly themes, as I type this at 12:34 p.m. on January 7, the first Sunday of a new year, I have hope.
We’ll see how this goes.
UPDATE: As I type this, it is July 17. A lot of shit started happening in the second week of February, and it pretty well demolished any will to create I’d been able to cling to. I had a flash of hope at the end of March that I might get back on track. 3 months later, a motivational bralette actually… motivated me.
So again, we’ll see how this goes.
UPDATE #2: As I type this it is mid October. My self portraiture efforts have been less than consistent. I’m not writing off the rest of 2024, but yeah, there were gaps all year and will likely be more gaps before it’s over.

Jan 7

(banana courtesy of a hospital breakfast after Hubs spent 3 days there for feeling like he had a cold)
Jan 14

Jan 21

Jan 28

Feb 4

Mar 31

Jul 7

Jul 14

Jul 21

Jul 28

Sep 22

Sep 29

Oct 6