Self-Portrait Sundays 2024

Despite learning mid-year that my husband has cancer, I somehow managed to complete my goal of doing a self portrait every Sunday in 2023.

I honestly have no idea if I’ll be able to repeat that in 2024. But there were days in 2023 that it helped a lot, that goal-oriented creativity, and now that Art of Self Portraiture is once again posting weekly themes, as I type this at 12:34 p.m. on January 7, the first Sunday of a new year, I have hope.

We’ll see how this goes.

UPDATE: As I type this, it is July 17. A lot of shit started happening in the second week of February, and it pretty well demolished any will to create I’d been able to cling to. I had a flash of hope at the end of March that I might get back on track. 3 months later, a motivational bralette actually… motivated me.

So again, we’ll see how this goes.

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