I know some pretty amazing people who do some pretty wonderful things.

The blog of Jerry Seeger, author, photographer, and geek extraordinaire

A reader-supported fantasy serial by Jerry Seeger

The art & blogs of Liz Markus, and home of the Pretty Imperfect shop

Writer, gamer, & chronically ill philosopher living the dream in the Pacific Northwest.

An independent publisher reflecting the creative drive & spirit of the new electronic media environment

Author of the 'UK Crush' series

Photographer. Director. Producer. Creative. Wearer of Ties.

(u)Natural Imagery
by Gerald Byrnes
Communities & Non-Profits

Lovingly owned and operated by an ardent pinup fan

Raising the standard of care in wildlife medicine & rehabilitation, and promoting stewardship, sustainability & unity among wildlife rehabilitators.

An Exercise In The Random by BentenShisho